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Friday, November 19, 2010

Sneak Peek - Christmas Stockings

I had a tons of fleece my mom had left over from who knows what. I was going to make some scarfs but really? Kinda boring... so I thought I'd try my hand at Christmas stockings!

Lessons learned -
1. Fast food napkins make excellent sketch pads
2. Cutting stockings freehand is more difficult than once thought
3. A Serger is a must when using fleece!
4. Who wouldn't want a cowboy boot Christmas stocking?!?

This is a very rough version since I don't have time today to put on all the finishing touches... that and I don't own a serger so all seams will have to wait until Monday when I go to my parents house.....

1 comment:

  1. I like your lessons learned... I find I use napkins often too!
