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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh My Buttons!

So I went button shopping the other day and realized that buttons are EXPENSIVE! The fabric store has single buttons up to $15! One button!!! Granted, they are very cool buttons... but still! So you may be able to grasp my abundant excitement when I found a treasure in, where else? My mom's sewing room! I wasn't even looking for anything but I happened to be sitting on the floor (while my mom fixed her serger that I had accidentally may have temporarily broken while trying to sew burlap....) and I happened to see a cool basket under my mom's sewing table. I took it out thinking we could use it for our Christmas Boutique display (Crossroads Bible Church! December 4! Be there!). When I looked inside, I realized I hit the mother load! I found the most fabulous button collection ever! Turns out my 87 year old great aunt has kept every button she ever bought since the Great Depression (which my mother told me I could go home and blog about since I already blogged about her fabric-savin heart....) And of course, these little gems were kept in an old, glass Skippy peanut butter jar.

Seriously, one should probably not get so excited over buttons, but these buttons are amazing! Really, people... it's the little things.... There are buttons in this little Skippy jar like I have never seen before! Check out these little tweed and wool covered numbers.
Makes me want to run out and get some red wool so I can make myself a red coat... just to put these red buttons on! I can't wait to use some of these puppies! I actually had to make a mustard yellow neckwarmer while my little one played in the bathtub just so I could use this lovely black felt button.
Can't wait to use more of these vintage buttons!

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