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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Road Trip - Day 5!

So I have two new best friends....

The drive-thru liquor store! They have everything! Even margaritas! Though we couldn't figure out what you're supposed to do with them once you get them... you can't drive with open alcohol.... but you can't drink it.... hmm.... EVERYThING is a drive-thru in Del Rio!
And styrofoam cups! I know it sounds silly but these things mean business! Not even kidding! I left my diet coke in the car for over an hour in 106 degree heat and there was still ice!!! And no mess from condensation. Fabulous, I tell you!

Putting new flowers on her grandmother's grave.






Chata and John

Eric, Izzy, John, Gloria, Chata, Raul

Take two....

Tio Yony and Rusty

Isabella LOVES riding in the back with Grandma and Grandpa... they spoil her!

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